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NHEON > ICT Literacy Toolkit

III. ACTION PLAN:    A. Technology Access    B. ICT Literacy    C. Professional Development    D. Community Involvement     [Data]

ICT Literacy Toolkit
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Effective Projects Case Study


Integrating Technology to Meet ICT Standards at Jaffrey-Rindge Cooperative School District


This is a story about a project that started 12/1/2006.

For more information, please contact: David Beauchamp at


The Jaffrey-Rindge School District collaborated with the South Western New Hampshire Educational Support Center (SWNHESC) to provide professional development for teachers in the development and implementation of Moodle. The grant activities directly supported the integration of technology as a to facilitate communication among faculty, staff, students, parents and the community.  The training involved with the grant project increased the number of professional staff familiar with online technology tools to promote online learning as a professional development option, as well as a means to support and supplement classroom instruction.


Funding: This project was supported by $9,609 from NCLB Title II-D (Educational Technology) and $0 in local funds. The project illustrates how federal funding supports “Professional development to all staff - Supporting ongoing, sustained, intensive, high-quality professional development for all staff focused on integration of technology into curriculum and instruction.” The project addressed the following grades and content areas: 

 Gr3-5  Gr6-8  Gr9-12  EngLangArts  Math  Science      Technology Integration / Application & Foreign Language


The Setting: The District is rural in nature, with a significant number of parents commuting outside the area for employment, raising somewhat of an obstacle regarding communications between the school and parents. The use of Moodle served as one way to facilitate improved home / school communication. The LOTI survey also indicates that the district suffered from a lack of technology literate teachers. The Tech partners plan provided an opportunity to train train teachers in the use of technology, as well as opportunities for varied online instruction.Students also expressed a need support the easy transfer files from home to school.  The introduction of a digital portfolio provides a possible solution.


The plot: The apprehension of a number of teachers who viewed themselves as not not proficient with the use of technology and their reluctance to become involved with training to improve their proficiency. Recruiting particpants for the various training technology sessions.


The teachers: 10 teachers were directly involved. The participants in the Moodle training and implementation were individuals willing to acknowledge their need for training and make the time commitment for professional development opportunities offered through the grant project.  Providing a core group that understand the use and applications of Moodle and other online tools will serve as a model to encourage others to utilize these tools.


The students: Students are actively seeking ways to easily transfer files from home to school, to digitally collaborate, and access assignments online.  A core of students expressed interest in online instruction as a means to access a variety of educational opportunities.


The data: The use of Moodle file logs and tracking of students access online courses.


The difference: Student access to Moodle could be tracked, however it was difficult to directly link improved student performance to it use. None compiled


Essential conditions: Incerased ease of access to computers by staff and students.


Changes for the future: Create stipend funded positions that would provide building-based training of "technology coaches" to generate and support teacher involvement in activities designed to increase the integration of technology into instruction. Encourage greater involvement on the part of building administrators and department leaders. Consider offering the professional development activities at times outside the school day. Compile data regarding student growth rates available from the results of the Measures of Academic Progress assessment.  The District will be modifying the assessment process to provide fall and spring testing, yielding the annual growth for each student.


Recommendations: Explore ways to offer teachers incentives to become actively involved in the professional development opportunities.


Telling our story: Discussion of the applications of Moodle in department and faculty meetings.


Documents to share:  none at this time