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Title IV-A Project Planning Toolkit Home
Introduction: How Title IV-A Funding Works
Title IV-A Program Overview
The Needs Assessment
Developing Your Title IV-A Program Activities
Entering Your Activities in GMS
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Title IV-A Documents Folder
Title IV-A Public Reporting
Understanding Title IV-A Course
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The Needs Assessment

NH Title IV-A Student Support and Academic Enrichment Grant Program

A Needs Assessment is required for LEAs to be eligible to receive Title IV-A funding. This section of the toolkit will guide you through the process of determining your district needs. All Title IV-A funded activities must be connected to a demonstrated need, whether it be through a comprehensive needs assessment, or through other means of demonstrating need. The district allotment determines whether or not your district will need to complete a comprehensive needs assessment. All activities should be developed to produce an outcome that meets a documented need.

Title IV-A Allocation is $30,000 or More

An LEA that receives at least $30,000 in SSAE program funds must conduct a comprehensive needs assessment that includes, at a minimum, a focus on the three main Title IV-A program areas of emphasis: a Well Rounded Education, Safe and Healthy Schools, and Effective Use of Technology.

The US Department of Education released a Comprehensive Needs Assessment Tool that Stakeholder Teams may find useful. Within this Tool, LEAs can enter district- and school-level outcome data (i.e., for selected schools identified by the LEA for Title IV, Part A funding). The Tool includes outcome-focused indicators. Collecting and analyzing outcome data during a needs assessment can help LEAs identify where their schools are facing challenges and stay focused on those outcomes as they implement their Title IV, Part A program. These indicators were chosen based on Title IV, Part A requirements, as well as the anticipated availability of data since many of the requested data points are used as part of federal and state reporting. The Title IV-A Comprehensive Needs Assessment tool can be downloaded from the Needs Assessment Folder found in the Documents for Districts Folder in this toolkit.  There is also a Needs Assessment Guidebook in that same folder.

These criteria can be used to determine needs for supplemental student support if a comprehensive needs assessment is required. However, if not required, these criteria can also inform needs in the program content areas.

Steps in the Process of Determining Need

  1. Develop a Title IV-A Program Development Team. - should include a variety of stakeholders: administrators, teachers, parents, students, community members, school board members.
  2. Discuss and decide on a Needs Assessment to use. - there are advantages to using the Future Ready Needs Assessment, and it is strongly encouraged, but others are available.
  3. Conduct the Needs Assessment. - team members should be involved in taking the assessment.
  4. Analyze the results of the Needs Assessment date collected. - take a look at the determined needs and cross walk those with the three focal areas of the Title IV-A program to determine which combination of uses would est suit your determined needs.
  5. Develop your Title IV-A Program. - develop activities in each of the three focal areas that will reduce your district need in those areas.

Title IV-A Allocation is less than $30,000

Districts with allocations under the $30,000 threshold may choose to assessneeds in any one or more of the Title IV-A content areas. LEAs at this allocation level may choose to conduct a comprehensive needs assessment. All LEAs still must base their Title IV-A activities on demonstrated need and keep documentation of their identified needs for program monitoring purposes. All activities should be connected to a demonstrated need students have for supplemental support in one or more of the TItle IV-A content areas. Needs Assessment tools for each of the individual Title IV-A content areas can be downloaded from the Needs Assessment Folder found in the Documents for Districts Folder in this toolkit. 

Title IV-A Resources available on the NH Department of Education Website.

Resource and Reading Links

Resources for developing Well Rounded Educational Opportunities https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vRfnjwdm5sgwUjDzHI25rqnuMhGQ950lUQMVOsPoh9t6XWFuyvpombICkn_QhAxgs52ialeDEMMuQvg/pub

Resources for developing Safe and Healthy Schools and Students https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vTWw_tyjrUvSwpVKdfSYvBF0lvrtlK7NzHWLpLFCGBPpUCN-o0CxGC9kzTE-0gTgPHmW9zUl8Q_fLTX/pub

Resources for developing the Effective Use of Technology https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vR4M-ZI2qSjMddFTaQx82NySdiadqmjH9c3-84wDZJ3ZEqhfCGR8emM8Ws3bB1DaUZ8cYGtAxkE6zAk/pub

Office of ESEA Programs Resource Page on the NHDOE website https://www.education.nh.gov/who-we-are/division-of-learner-support/bureau-of-instructional-support/integrated-programs

Download Areas in the Arts to Explore in your Needs Assessment

Download Areas in Physical Education to Explore in your Needs Assessment


Top Home Introduction Overview Needs Activities Entering Activities Help Documents Reporting Understanding Title IV-A Course

Last updated July 16, 2024

The Titile IV-A Project Planning Toolkit is supported by New Hampshire EdTech at the New Hampshire Department of Education.