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Title IV-A Project Planning Toolkit Home
Introduction: How Title IV-A Funding Works
Title IV-A Program Overview
The Needs Assessment
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Entering Your Activities in GMS
Seeking Help and Guidance
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Understanding Title IV-A Course
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Seeking Help and Guidance

NH Title IV-A Student Support and Academic Enrichment Grant Program

This section of the toolkit will provide you with the appropriate contact information for any questions or issues you might have.

General Questions About Your Grants

Districts/LEAs should contact Stan Freeda (Stanley.J.Freeda@doe.nh.gov, 603.271.5132) with any questions.

Resources for each category can be found on these pages:

These pages have information on allowable and not allowable activities, and include some detailed information on specific types of programs you might run for student support.

Questions About the Online Grants Management System

For general operational questions about the Online Grants Management System, please reach out to Stan Freeda (Stanley.J.Freeda@doe.nh.gov, 603.271.5132).

For more in-depth questions about the use of the Online Grants Management System, or for questions about funding, monthly reporting, or financial coding in the Online Grants Management System, please reach out to Elizabeth Clarke (Elizabeth.A.Clarke@doe.nh.gov, 603-271-7455).

Join the NHED Title Programs Listserv

The NHED Title Programs Listserv is for Title Program Coordinators to have a place to communicate and collaborate with each other and crowd source information and ideas! Subscription is voluntary, and you can adjust your settings and password once you join. NHED communication with the field will still go through the NHED Title Program Coordinators and the contacts for their individual grants to make sure everyone is reached. This is an opportunity for LEA coordinators to communicate, ask questions, and collaborate with each other along with NHED folks. We can all grow our programs stronger by working together.

Technical Assistance for ESEA Title Programs at NHED

ESEA Title Program Office Hours
The Office of ESEA Programs coordinates and schedules Drop-In Office Hours for various programs. A shared calendar is provided to access the times/dates and schedule of Drop-in Office Hours.
Title Program Office Drop-In Office Hour Calendar

ESEA Title Program Coordinators
esser@doe.nh.gov     CRRSA-ESSER II
esser@doe.nh.gov     ARP-ESSER III
ESSER.Construction@doe.nh.gov     ESSER Construction
Christina Dotson     McKinney-Vento
Christina Dotson, Melinda PfaffKristine Braman     Title I-A Improving Basic Programs Operated by Local Educational Agencies
Jaclyn Hathaway-Rube     Title I-C Education of Migratory Children
Melinda Pfaff     Title I-D Prevention and INtervention Programs for Neglected, Delinquent, or At-Risk Children
Kathryn Nichol     Title II-A Supporting Effective Instruction
Janna Jobel     Title III  Language Instruction for English Learners and Immigrant Students
Stan Freeda     Title IV-A Student Support and Academic Enrichment
Whitney McVeigh; Jonathan Lacy     Title IV-B 21st Century Community Learning Centers
Jonathan Lacy     Title V-B Rural Education Initiative
Elizabeth Clarke     Financial, Budgeting, or GMS Operations
Lisa Moody     IDEA Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act

The NHED Office of ESEA Title Programs page on the NHED website has more information about all the federal entitlement programs along with contact informtion.

Federal Funds Information and Guidance

The NHED Bureau of Federal Compliance (BFC) has developed Federal Fund Information Sheets to assist subrecipients of Federal funds with understanding the compliance requirements associated with the various aspects of their grants when developing and implementing policies and procedures.

NHED ESEA Programs Consolidated Monitoring

The Office of ESEA Title Programs, in accordance with Uniform Guidance, monitors local educational agency (LEA) subawards on an annual basis. The Office takes a consolidated approach in ensuring subawards are utilized in accordance with federal statutes, regulations, and the terms and conditions of the subaward. Annually, the Office of ESEA Title Programs, conducts a risk assessment to ensure that risk variables and their associated weights reflect current risk that could lead to mismanagement or inefficiencies within the ESEA Title grant programs. Each LEA that is awarded Title funding is assigned a point value based upon these criteria and assigned a risk level of either high-risk, moderate-risk, or low-risk based on the total number of points assigned. The risk level assigned determines which LEAs are monitored. At minimum, those identified as high-risk will be monitored. Depending on capacity, those identified as moderate-risk may also be monitored.

The five indicators that will be monitored for Title IV-A are:

  • SSAE 1 Stakeholder Team Consultation
  • SSAE 2 Target Greatest Need
  • SSAE 3 Informed Consent
  • SSAE 4 Needs Assessment
  • SSAE 5 Program Areas

Additional Information

NHED ESEA Technical Assistance and Guidance

The Office of ESEA Title Programs issues regular guidance in support of federal funding sources and updates to processes at the New Hampshire Department of Education (NHED). The NHED ESEA Programs Technical Assistance and Guidance page on the NHED website offers technical assistance documents, field guidance, PowerPoint presentations, and recordings from office hours held by the Bureau Administrator. For any one-on-one technical assistance or requests to provide additional assistance or information, please contact the Bureau of Instructional Support.

Allowable uses of funds under each of the three content areas may include (but are not limited to):

  • Direct services and supplemental programs for students;
  • Professional development for teachers and administrators, necessary to carry out the identified supplemental programs and services;
  • Salaries of personnel necessary to carry out the identified supplemental programs and services; and
  • Supplemental educational resources and equipment necessary to carry out the identified supplemental programs and services.

Well Rounded Educational Opportunities

Some general activities that support providing all students with access to a well-rounded education:

  • Improving access to foreign language instruction, arts, and music education
  • Supporting college and career counseling, including providing information on opportunities for financial aid through the early FAFSA
  • Providing programming to improve instruction and student engagement in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM), including computer science, and increasing access to these subjects for underrepresented groups
  • Promoting access to accelerated learning opportunities including Advanced Placement (AP) and International Baccalaureate (IB) programs, dual or concurrent enrollment programs and early college high schools
  • Strengthening instruction in American history, civics, economics, geography, government education, and environmental education
Well-Rounded Educational Opportunities Resources
Template for Writing Activities that support Well-Rounded Educational Opportunities
Well Rounded Educational Opportunities infographic

Safe and Healthy Students

Some general activities that support improving school conditions for student learning:

  • Promoting community and parent involvement in schools
  • Providing school-based mental health services and counseling
  • Promoting supportive school climates to reduce the use of exclusionary discipline and promoting supportive school discipline
  • Establishing or improving dropout prevention
  • Supporting re-entry programs and transition services for justice-involved youth
  • Implementing programs that support a healthy, active lifestyle (nutritional and physical education)
  • Implementing systems and practices to prevent bullying and harassment
  • Developing relationship building skills to help improve safety through the recognition and prevention of coercion, violence, or abuse
  • Establishing community partnerships
Safe and Healthy Students Resources
Template for Writing Activities that support Safe and Healthy Students
Safe and Healthy Students infographic

Effective Use of Technology

Some general activities that support improving the use of technology in order to improve the academic achievement and digital literacy of all students:

  • Supporting high-quality professional development for educators, school leaders, and administrators to personalize learning and improve academic achievement
  • Building technological capacity and infrastructure
  • Carrying out innovative blended learning projects
  • Providing students in rural, remote, and underserved areas with the resources to benefit from high-quality digital learning opportunities
  • Delivering specialized or rigorous academic courses and curricula using technology, including digital learning technologies and assistive technology
Effective Uses of Technology Resources
Template for Writing Activities that support Effective Use of Technology
Effective Use of Technology infographic


Top Home Introduction Overview Needs Activities Entering Activities Help Documents Reporting Understanding Title IV-A Course

Last updated July 16, 2024

The Titile IV-A Project Planning Toolkit is supported by New Hampshire EdTech at the New Hampshire Department of Education.